Thursday, July 17, 2014

The CIA, working for the dictators as well paid killers and who both who blame their crimes on the current president and have him rubber stamp their actions, has been off the leash for decades now, roaming around the country thinking they're the KGB, above all laws, experimenting on the poor.  In my own personal case, they used diseases on me when I was young, LSD when I was older, and as an adult, followed me around for decades keeping me imprisoned and poor and on the street stealing from me quite often, paychecks, welfare checks, and blacklisting me from ever being hired, using dirty tricks to rob my apartments and taking biopsys samples on me looking for some disease that will kill me and not them while many times torturing me for my names and always trying to drive me crazy.  Lately, one of them and another like him started hanging around the dining site of my apartment trying to drive me crazy, spreading money around, hiring old people, drug cartel people, and kids to persecute me, steal my time, spy on my doings, etc.  Here is that one many years ago at a rock concert celebrating the gathering of the Jew tribes in this country, planning to dictate to the public like they tried and had to pay for in Germany.

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