Saturday, July 30, 2016

'The Day the Earth Stood Still'  A 1951 movie about how the hide-bound government and military goes to war against just the idea of people going to space or the laws they might have to obey once they do. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Unfortunately, the way things are going now in this country with the 'Barbarians looting Rome', and all the people who are pretending to be in charge, are instead teaching everybody how to roll over and have their belly scratched, while teaching the public to hate, to hate their neighbors and other countries, to go to war for what they want, and to become Christ's soldiers building their economy on bombs instead of the future, this book might become America's future.

 Colony 14" by Don Fredrick  A very good new updated version of the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand.  If you can't secede to form your own country, or get rid of the evil dictators of this one, you can always move to another country, and while there maybe finding a way to go to space or a place to build an artificial moon to live in space, to explore and colonize the universe while continuing your evolutionary journey and socializing with all the other races in space that left their earths to evolve.  Good people in this country are economically imprisoned to have their ideas stolen and to do the thinking for the leeches and other thieving bums who get rich off the good of this country while taking the credit and money for the work and ideas those people provide.

 America pretended to be 'The Land of the Free' and 'The Hope of the World' conning the rest of the world that it's a good place to go or go the right way, covering up the fact that this country is run by gangs of thieves, gangsters, and churches who invite foreign criminals in to help them 'carpetbag' and prey on the hapless citizens like 'wolves put in charge of a chicken ranch.'  They even invite their own citizens to join them by rewarding them with time, names, and money to committing crimes against their neighbors and help them enslave them with fake 'law 'n' order', herding them around like sheep in pens all to control them with Gestapo like tactics to get them use to not having any of the freedoms or laws they were born with and to get use to being an inmate in a prison.   Instead of raising their kids to be alone and free and to make their own decisions in life, they let them be captured by the church almost from birth so they can use their thinking and ideas to rule people with by brainwashing everybody.  They tell the kids lies that they're the law and just going to be there for a little while to see what it's like and that the church is taking care of them, and not only turning the good kids into horses to ride around on for another good time but using them for excesses of food, stolen time, sex, 'I'm the king in charge of society', money, etc.  Some of them run away to places like Hollywood with the good looking kids to get much more of the same, almost billions in money for some while they use the media to enslave and imprison people pretending to be the law, not only making them afraid of space, but say they work for space too, that space will get them if they don't do what these people want, pretending they're are also the law in charge of the government, and let people from other countries pretend that their country is the law and in charge too.  Then they all lie telling the kids that's what they wanted for their good time making them pay for their own crimes and making them leave first, stealing their names for another good time.

Time will tell if they put walls up around this country to keep the free people from escaping with their ideas and 'help' that the country has been living and getting rich off of, while the rest of the people of earth waits to see if the country is either going to go the right way or turn the rest of the way into a dictator run prison camp. How long it will be before the country collapses without those people's good will or other countries help in supporting them with loans, etc. that they get rich off of, never planning to pay them back but instead trying to sell the country and its people to pay for their crimes, running the country into debt so that they can escape to another country with their loot to do it all over again.