Sunday, December 21, 2014

These LRAD weapons are to the ears what WW1 mustard gas was to the lungs.  The gas weapons were banned during wartime and these sound weapons should be banned also.  Instead their being used indiscriminately against peaceful civilian protesters.  Is this a further continuation of Nazi types converting new science into weapons against masses of people and a new weapon of mass torture and destruction?

banned Geneve convention weapons

Thursday, December 18, 2014

our leaders?

The movie 'Interview' is just another extension of America's 'might makes right' rule the earth policy.  A big prison country ruling it without life always seeming to want war with little prison countries, (N. Korea, Cuba), who rule them with life (European Model).

The following post describing torture as a way for one country to get what it wants from captured prisoners(intelligence) and even its own citizens (names for its ex-rulers) are war crimes and this country should soon have to answer to a Nuremberg type tribunal.


Friday, December 12, 2014

FYI;  All these wardens/rulers/dictators/prison gang leaders/trouble making thugs/Bonobo chimps that the above post and below clip talks about and then censors, are different Jew tribes that came together and now infest America making everybody's lives hell and worse as they looted the country and are planning to escape or take over even more if they can't, driving the country broke in the process.